Student Loans Whether you’re still in school and need help financing your education, or you’ve graduated and need to consolidate loans into one affordable payment, Sun East’s Student Loans can help you fund your college education with variable and fixed rates and flexible terms. Student Loans Within Your Grasp A Sun East Private Student Loan allows you to borrow funds each year up to $120,000 for an undergraduate student loan and $160,000 for a graduate student loan. Apply for a Private Student Loan Consolidate Your Student Loans Benefits and Eligibility Calculate a Student Budget Private Student Loan Benefits Gaining knowledge and skills to make a better life is a goal we understand…let us help you achieve that goal. Borrow up to $30,000 per year, maximum of $120,000 undergraduate and $160,000 in graduate loans Cosigner release flexibility No origination fees Applying is a quick process Student Loan Consolidation Sun East can help you refinance and consolidate multiple student loans. We offer variable and fixed rates, flexible terms, and a variety of repayment terms. Student Loan Consolidation Benefits Consolidate your private student loans into one loan, replacing multiple bills. Refinance up to $125,000 in undergraduate debt and up to $175,000 in graduate debt Interest-only payment option No origination fees Applying is a quick process