Remote Deposit Capture
Deposit checks from your smartphone in minutes. Walk through our Mobile App’s check deposit feature step-by-step.

Depositing a Check Using Your Smart Phone is Easy
Watch this short video to view the secure and simple process.
Download the Mobile App below and begin depositing checks today!

Please Note:
We request your cooperation in adhering to a few important guidelines when using our Mobile Deposit Capture Services.
- Endorse your original check before transmitting the image to us. Endorsements must be made on the back of the share draft or check 1.5 inches from the top edge. Your endorsement must include your signature and “For Sun East Mobile Deposit Only, Account #__.” Any loss we incur from a delay or processing error resulting from an irregular endorsement or other markings by you will be your responsibility.
- A check payable to two payees must be endorsed by both payees. If the check is payable to you or your joint owner, either of you can endorse it. If the check is made payable to you and your joint owner, both of you must endorse the check. You agree that you will not use the Services to scan and deposit any checks payable to you and another party who is not a joint owner listed on the account.
Questions About Remote Deposit Capture
If you have any questions, please reference our Mobile Deposit (Remote Deposit Capture) Services Agreement and Disclosure or contact us at (610) 485-6800.
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